
Number of international
students: Approximately 58,000

Tokyo is Japan's largest city,
and it has two universities
ranked in the top 100 of the
world university rankings: the
University of Tokyo and Kyoto
University. Universities with a
high employment rate at 400
famous companies are
concentrated in Tokyo.

Tokyo's appeal lies not only in
its world-renowned tourism
resources, but also in the possibilities that come from living,
working, and learning here.


Number of international
students: Approximately 16,000

Osaka is Japan's second largest city, has received high praise
internationally, being ranked as the 10th most livable city in the world.

For international students,
Osaka is an attractive city
where you can "study, work,
and experience culture."
Although it has a central city
function, rent and food costs
are relatively low, and current
international students rate it as a comfortable place to live.
There are many part-time jobs
in Osaka, many of which allow you to use your native


Number of international
students: Approximately 13,000

One in ten people
(approximately 150,000
people) in the Kyoto city area
are university students, making Kyoto the largest proportion of
the population in Japan by far. Approximately 13,000
international students from all
over the world are studying in

Numerous cultural properties
cultivated over a long history
remain throughout the town,
and traditional culture such as
tea ceremonies and flower
arranging, as well as the skills
of craftsmen, have been passed down to the present day.


Number of international
students: Approximately 12,000

Approximately 10,000
international students are
studying in Fukuoka. It is also
gaining popularity from all over the world as the gateway to
Asia. In particular, more and
more people from developed
countries in Europe and
America are choosing Fukuoka due to its safety and

Fukuoka is a city with a large
number of students, and the
fact that there are many
international students studying at universities in Fukuoka City
and nearby cities is one of the
reasons for the abundance of
young foreign human
resources, and the number of
international students has more than doubled since 2000.


Number of international
students: Approximately 8,500

Hyogo Prefecture promotes
global learning. Students from
all over the world, including
China, Vietnam, Indonesia,
Nepal, and Japan, will study
and a new society will expand. You can learn a wide range of
topics including economics,
management, tourism,
information, entrepreneurship,
language, and bridal.

Hyogo is directly connected to
other parts of the world in all
areas of economy, lifestyle,
culture, and local activities.


Number of international
students: Approximately 7,500

There are approximately 50
universities, junior colleges, and technical colleges in Aichi
Prefecture, where you can
study a variety of fields. In
2008, three Nagoya University
scientists won the Nobel Prize, making it one of the world's top academic regions.

Although it is a metropolitan
area, prices are lower than
those in Tokyo and Osaka,
and there are plenty of lifestyle counseling and information
services for foreigners, making
it a very livable environment.


Number of international
students: Approximately 7,200

You can learn a lot more than
you can at other universities. In addition, you can freely and
deeply research subjects that
interest you.

One of Saitama Prefecture's
attractions is its extensive
transportation network. There
are plenty of transportation
options from each area to the
city center, so you can
commute comfortably. Saitama Prefecture's abundance of
nature is also a major


Number of international
students: Approximately 6,000

Chiba Prefecture is home to
Tokyo Disneyland and Narita
Airport, and is a popular
commuter town for the capital, Tokyo, with easy access by
train. There are 28 universities and 7 junior colleges in the
prefecture, a total of 35
schools. There are also many
campuses of headquarters in
other prefectures.

There are many undergraduate campuses of universities
headquartered in nearby areas such as Tokyo and Saitama.
There are plenty of part-time
jobs available for entertainment lovers, such as Makuhari Messe, where large-scale events are